福岡県農業総合試験場研究報告18 (1999) pp 72 - 75



1 10月下旬の摘心時の上位葉6枚の摘葉処理は、総収量と総収穫本数に影響を及ぼさ なかったが、‘京築在来種’で12月の収量と収穫本数を減じ、12月の葉色(SPAD 値)を低下させた。‘アブラマサリ’でも12月の収穫本数を減じ、収量も低下させる傾 向が認められた。上位葉3枚の摘葉処理は、収量、収穫本数、葉色に影響を及ぼさなか った。
2 ‘アブラマサリ’における10月下旬の摘心時の上位葉3〜6枚の摘葉処理は、11月 の総カルシウム含量と水可溶性カルシウム含量を高め、総カルシウム含量に占める水可 溶性カルシウム含量の比率も高めた。しかし、12月以降は総カルシウム含量と水可溶 性カルシウム含量に及ぼす摘葉処理の影響は認められなかった。
3 ナバナ栽培における摘心時の上位葉3枚の摘葉は、収穫時の作業性を高め、総収量お よび葉色に影響を与えることなく、カルシウム含量を高めた。


 Effects of defoliation on yield, leaf color, calcium contents in turnip rape (Brassica napus L.). Tatsuya HAYASHIDA, Yasushi SHIBATO and Nobuharu MORIFUJI(Fukuoka Agricultural Research Center, Chikushino, Fukuoka 818-8549, Japan)Bull.Fukuoka Agric. Res.Cent.18: 72 - 75 (1999)
 Effects of defoliation on seasonal yield, leaf color and calcium contents in turnip rape (Brassica napus L.) were examined.
1. Defoliation in October did not influence total yield and the number of lateral shoots. However, excessive defoliation significantly reduced the yield and the number of lateral shoots on cultivar 'KEICHIKUZAIRAISYU' in December. Also, it influenced leaf color. On cultivar 'ABURAMASARI', excessive defoliation tended to reduce the same. 
2. On cultivar 'ABURAMASARI', defoliation in October increased total and water soluble calcium contents in November. It also increased the ratio of water soluble calcium to total calcium contents in November. However, after December, defoliation did not influence total calcium and water soluble calcium contents.
3. Defoliation in October improved working conditions by making it less laborious at harvest time, but did not influence total yield and quality adversely. Also, it worked to increase the calcium contents.
[Key words : turnip rape, defoliation, yield, leaf color, calcium contents]



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